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Meeting up with Elders Cazier and Hansen getting Foreigner Cards |
So, this week I went on my own for food this week, so I have had a lot of rice, eggs, ham and cereal, haha. The next couple weeks should be pretty good though. I've gotten some more ideas for what to eat for cheap. As far as other foods go, we had a member-meal this week. For it, we had burgogi meat, chicken wings, octopus, and kimchi ribs. All of it was so delicious! Octopus is quite delicious, it is really squishy and chewy but quite tasty. I wouldn't mind having that again. Oh man, I was so stuffed by the end, and she even gave us leftovers to take home. She is the Relief Society president so she was super nice. The husband was alright. I did a Plan of Salvation role play for our thought, and he corrected every sentence out of my mouth. Even the pickiest details he corrected. He also said we only recognize the Atonement, and not use it. That's a lie, and he said we won't be just by our desires, just our actions and choices... So I'm not sure how much I should trust him on stuff. His wife kept telling him to stop judging me, and let me get through the role play. I felt pretty down after that. We also stayed like 20 minutes over, so that was a bad move on that. But we got a family referral from the wife, so hopefully that will go over well. Other food, we had some chicken and chips at some medieval-themed restaurant. The food wasn't too great, but the atmosphere was pretty legit. It's hard to describe, but it was pretty sweet. We had ice cream and churros after that, and man, honeycomb with vanilla ice cream is delicious! It was super sweet and rich. Needless to say, we were pretty full that night, haha.
Variety of Name Tags |
Jundo (proselyting) was pretty good this week. We got a couple appointments set up, and we met some guy that said the Book of Mormon was too long to find out if God was there. He also said I was a depressing influence, when Elder Whitlock was talking. So that got to me. I felt bad for being so quiet, and I got over it pretty quick, but that kinda ate at me for the while. I also met a guy who gave me a bread treat, but as soon as I said "missionary", he took it out of my hand and walked away, haha. Some people are strange. Nothing else too special for jundo.
People we taught:
- Bong Suck Gyou: He is our top investigator, and he came to church for the full 3 hours! He is super nice, and hopefully will progress further. He has taken the first and third lessons so far.
- We met a guy named Shin Ye Moon, who is a poet. At the beginning of our lesson, he said he had no interest, but agreed to meet anyway. He gave us his poetry book, and told us to read it, haha. Kind of a pointless meeting, honestly.
Our other appointments fell through though :( Hopefully the coming weeks will be better. We got a couple referrals of less active and nonmembers from the ward, and when we said we had a kid named Peter, Elder Lee and Cazier started getting his information. So Elder Whitlock after talked to Elder Lee about stealing people. He's stole two almost three from us, and two from the Zone Leaders. So people are mad at him. So it's kind of a drama right now with that. Hopefully it will blow over soon.
Personal study this week was King Benjamin's talk. I just realized his overall theme is how worthless we are and how we rely on God for everything, so pay him a little respect. I love his speech, so powerful. I also read in Preach My Gospel, Christ-like attributes on patience, and they have some sweet scriptures there. I would recommend going through those and Alma 5:26. Awesome scripture.
View of Seoul from The River Bridge in the Area |
Love you all, have a great week
--Elder Mortensen
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