April 25, 2016
P-Day with Buddha |
Ok, a little bit of time to hopefully fill you in on people:
고영욱. ( Go Young Ook): We met him a week and a half ago. We had a good talk with him over pizza, which gave room to get to gospel topics after the meal. We shared the hope of God's light video, and kinda got firm with him coming to church. He kept saying he has re
search to do, but then talks about how he cancelled his research on Saturday to meet us. That was a good talk, but he didn't come to church yesterday, but he is on the border. We can feel him coming around slowly.
김동범 (Kim Dohng Bum): His work has been super busy lately, so he says he never has time to meet... but he still manages to make it out to Family Nights, so it's not a total drop, but it's been frustrating trying to meet him.
심재호 (Sheem Jay Hoe): He gave us a taxi ride once, then we met on Friday. We showed him the church, taught a little English, then shared the Book of Mormon with him. He seemed really interested, but afraid of the pressure that churches give. But he came to sacrament meeting on Sunday! That was cool to see. Hopefully we can meet him this week, taxi schedules are weird. (They work 2 days, sleep the other day, work 2 days, sleep the next)
Nobody else really too key to report on.
Monday we didn't do much, just chilled around and bowled. I got pretty good with the backspin on bowling... I hit over 100 using it! That night we just had family night.
Tuesday I went with Elder Poliscky on exchanges. He is interesting. He'll literally will talk your ear off about random mission stuff for days. But it was a good exchange. We did studies, then walked up to do streetboarding, ate dinner, then taught the 89 year old recent convert.
Wednesday had district meeting, then headed up to 주문진 (Joo Moon Jeen) to confirmed the whereabouts of some less actives, met some cool people. It's always hit and miss up there.
Thursday was great! We took a gamble and hit up the Catholic college in our area.. We're not sure if we could proselyte on there or not, but we decided to go, since it was raining and nobody would be by the lake, so we switched plans. It was a good call. We met a ton of cool college kids, set up like 4-5 appointments for the next week. I love college students, a lot more open to talking and discussing stuff. That was a good time up there. Surprisingly, not a lot of Catholics go there. We thought it would be a BYU-kinda setting. We came back and had English class.
Friday was alright, had weekly planning, then nobody showed up to our last time of English at the service place (because nobody comes we cancelled it...) Then we met 심재호. Really nice guy. That night we got punked (cancelled on.. don't ask me why we call it "punking") so we walked around the rest of the night.
Saturday was the busiest day. We cleaned the church, then had English Class. That was alright, still having a power struggle with the grandma that thinks she runs English class (she is comparable to Yzma from "The Emperor's New Groove": "living proof dinosaurs once roamed the earth" ) Then we went to the lake. It was only young couples or families on vacation... kind of a bummer.
Sunday we had church, then lunch, then we headed out and found some less-actives. It was pretty cool to meet an actual less-/in-active member and know they exist, not just moved. That night we did streetboarding as well. That worked out pretty good.
Monday we hiked Seorak San... one of the tallest ranges in Korea. Pretty big hike. Most of the way at the top was just a million stairs, it was awful... sweet view though.
Well, take care,
-Elder Mortensen