October 12, 2015
Elders Mortensen and Sullivan |
Well, another week in the great Korea!
Typing this is in a suit... freak... suits can be super uncomfortable, especially when wearing them for a long time... anyway
Monday we went to a place called 인사동. (Een Sa Dong). It's a big tourist place, so Elder Sullivan could pick up some stuff for his family before he dies. I picked up a couple things too, like a sweet 10 dollar backpack. I figure I'll just do some college shopping while I'm here, haha. That was our whole p-day. We shopped after, then on the way back to the house, we passed by the temple, and the temple missionaries called us over. They had 4 college students (3 girls, 1 guy) who were looking at the temple, so they talked with them for a little bit. We showed them the church and talked a little. Korean girls are weird. As soon as we said, "yeah, we can speak Korean, they lost their mind. They were freaking out, then said "Wow, you are handsome". Korean girls here are pretty straightforward, no wonder Elders don't talk with women on the street... but it was kinda cool that they just came to the temple to check it out. After that and a little jundo, we headed over to Nokbeon, my greenie area. That's where the other zone leader is, So Elder Sullivan and him had to hook up to go to a zone leader meeting. I got to have chicken there... man, that brought back a ton of memories...
Tuesday I spent with Elder Apigo (ah pee go). He is also a greenie, having been here for 3 weeks. Super funny guy. We did studies, which included a couple role plays, (that was weird. It felt like yesterday that I was doing it with Elder Whitlock). After that, we headed out for jundo. It's kinda hard to be with a greenie... I wasn't sure how much he could do, wanted to do, or should do. I wanted to push him, but not too far. So I did almost all of the jundos, and man, that was tiring, but fun. After that we did some English flyering. You pretty much stand at an intersection and hand out English flyers for about an hour... that was pretty fun. After that I went to go visit DK, a less-active me and Elder Whitlock met with a couple times. It was kinda funny, I still remembered all the back streets and everything. DK wasn't there, but his mom was. So we talked with her at their work place for about 20 minutes. That was crazy, when I fully realized how much I could understand, now that I pushed myself to really concentrate. (It's like driving, if you are in shotgun, you kinda know what's going on, but you can zone out. Driving you know and have to keep 100% on the road). So now that I was the driver, I could understand entire thoughts that people had, not just words. Super cool. We had a good talk with her about The Book of Mormon, got her to commit to read and pray about it. Elder Apigo lost his mind over how good I sounded at Korean. I still admit that I have a ton to go on Korean, but not gonna lie, it felt kinda good to know that I could talk with people. We met another cool guy and had a good talk with him a couple minutes later. Same thing, surprisingly understood a lot. That night we had English class. Some of the members remembered who I was, which was cool. One of the recent converts came and took all the missionaries shoes and shined them. So now one pair of my shoes looks super good. That was nice of him. We spent another night in Nokbeon after that.
Wednesday we did studies, then went over to Shin Chone for zone meeting. That was good, talked a lot on how to begin teaching, and teaching skills in general. Good training. I got mail from the office...another comic letter from mom... holy smokes, how many comics do you cut out? Every time we have a meeting, there are always more comics! After zone training, we helped the bishop set up for General Conference then went and taught Kim Moon Kyum and You Me Wha. Today was super awkward too. Kim just half talks about how he can't understand The Book of Mormon, and You can't read Korean, so she can't even start. We finally got her a Ukranian Book of Mormon, so now she can get reading too. Their house is super far away, (about 40 minutes walking, and that's the fastest way) so that took up the whole night.
Thursday was just the worst day ever, due to the young investigators we have, and midterms coming up, we had 7 of our investigators pretty much all drop that day. One after another would just say that they are busy for the next couple weeks, not sure when they can meet again... and that's how 7 investigators, and 4 baptismal dates drop in a week. On top of that, we had all 4 of our appointments drop on the day, so Elder Sullivan and I were kinda done with the day. We jundoed around all day, and got rejected all day. Met one or two people that half listened, but today was pretty rough. That night during streetboarding, there was some hippie guy that had zero interest in the gospel, just that "truth is everywhere, you just gotta look inside" and "the world is too small, I don't have a home country, or a home". Weird hippie stuff. He and half the missionaries talked about that for a while, I don't know why. Then a hardcore atheist came up and was mocking us for a while, so yeah, me and Elder Sullivan just went home and kinda died that night....
Friday was a lot better though. One, because it was moms birthday, and two, we had some sweet lessons today. Personal and companion study were a little rough still. A lot of questions just started flowing in my head, much like my awful fourth transfer, when I just kinda hated life. So me and Elder Sullivan just talked about life most of comp study, then we had language study, and weekly planning. That wasn't very fun, seeing how bare our teaching pool had just become... maybe God's trying to tell us that these people we should focus on or something... but after that we went and met Patrick. He read the Introduction, Witnesses, and Joseph Smith Testimony pages, and understood them pretty well. He had solid questions, which was proof he thought about it. Also said that he had prayed a couple times, which was sweet! We discussed the Plan of Salvation, and he had a little bit of a belief in afterlife and what not, and man, Chinese culture can be a bit graphic. They have a belief similar to Dante's Inferno, where hell is just a bunch of layers. In China culture they have 18 layers, where each one gets more violent I guess... Patrick wouldn't even start to explain what happened, luckily. But he liked the Plan, and agreed to read and pray and meet again. Super cool guy! We got a baptism date for him too! After that we met with Kim and You. This lesson was great. You read Moroni 1-8, and Kim read at least a summary of what The Book of Mormon teaches. You prays, and likes church, used to go with someone to the English ward on the other side of the river. We discussed the plan of salvation with them, and they actually showed interest in it. It was something they actually wondered about! It was the first time we had an actual discussion with them and both of them getting involved! So that was great!
Saturday we studied, then went to the church for 7 hours. Three sessions of conference, plus a couple minutes of break in between. During one of the breaks the temple missionaries brought us root beer which was sweet (Korea doesn't have root beer, they probably got it on the military base). So we watched conference, Then went and met with Lincoln and Ellie. They can be frustrating... they are super nice, feed us every week, their little kid is fluent at English and super funny. They love the church, and Ellie believes most of the church. She is just getting caught up on getting an answer and reading The Book of Mormon. I guess in Chinese it's similar to Korean, in which it's kinda hard to read. If she could just do that, I feel like she would get baptized. But they are super nice though.
Eating chicken. Elders Sullivan, Jung, Mortensen and Apigo in Nokbeon! |
Sunday we had more conference, then at night we met a recent convert and talked with him. Then Elder Sullivan and Elder Bybee went on splits to go teach, since Elder Skinner was feeling sick... so I just sat there the whole night making calls. Pretty boring day, minus conference.
Alright conference rundown... Sabbath day, 3 new apostles, and conversion. That was my biggest draw away. President Uchtdorf nailed both of his talks, and I liked Elder Lawerence and Elder Martinos as well. Elders Anderson and Bednar had some pretty sweet ones too. Couple of powerful talks about women too. Elder Holland was pretty blunt about that. Poor President Monson, the way he was leaning on the pulpit the whole time... That was a bit sad. Maybe he will sit down next conference? No idea, but that was just sad. But, conference was pretty sweet, hope you got a lot from it too.
Love you all, have fun,
-Elder Mortensen