October 24, 2016
Well, how short can we make this email??
Elder Mortensen
(Courtesy Sister Stancliffe) |
Monday was more halloween prep, since we combined with another ward for the party. So some missionaries came over so that we could plan with them what to do. We did that, practiced singing a little, (we still suck) then had a regular work day.
Tuesday was temple P-Day. We went there, enjoyed the temple for a while, then enjoyed a pizza buffet (Why is this not popular in America yet?) Then we went to the War Museum with Elder Lowe, Elder Carmen (from our MTC group) and his companion. It was pretty fun, but three times there makes it not quite as cool.. We did that then came back and streetboarded the night away...
Wednesday we rode to Young Dong Po (Seoul South Mission) and had a combined mission conference... with... Elder Bednar... Yup, that was pretty sick. He assigned us four talks to read in preparation for the meeting (Ask in Faith, Converted unto the Lord, That They May Always Retain a Remission of Sins, and Seek Learning by Faith; all of them have a very similar trend). He talked a ton about how we are to act, not be acted upon. Example: Instead of praying at church "bless those who didn't come this week to come next week", pray "bless us as we go to their houses and visit them, that we may be able to bring them back to church." See the difference? One is throwing it all to God and going home, whereas the other, we decide to actually do something about it. Pretty great conference, he was a lot more open and free than you would imagine from General Conference. Plus, got to see my Seoul South people again. They are all doing good, still cool friends. After that was a smashed-full train ride back to English class... yippee...
Thursday we had service, then we went and made some halloween invitations to give to members, so we went around and visited them, and talked with people.
Friday was pretty much the same. We streetboard, then visited members.
Saturday we visited members, had English class, then got stood up by a kid, so we tried to talk with people.
Sunday we had church, ward council (little in missionary work would happen unless missionaries came there...) That went on a while, then we had to figure out what we needed still for the party, then we had dinner and spent some time outside.
That's pretty much my week. Nothing too special, but it was fun seeing my friends from Seoul South mission and realizing we are almost done...shoot... but, the Elder Bednar conference was great.
Love you all,
Elders Brantley, Mortensen,
Herron and Whitlock
(Thanks, Sister Stancliffe |
Elder Mortensen
2 Nephi 10:23---The gospel doesn't get simpler than this. (Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life.)